Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Member for Talmudistan?

Last update - 22:32 20/03/2006

Baruch Marzel: IDF must assassinate left-wing activist Uri Avnery

By Nadav Shragai, Haaretz Correspondent

National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, said Monday the leaders of the Kadima party are "traitors" and "criminals" and called on the Israel Defense Forces to assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery.

Speaking Monday in Jerusalem and Ramle, Marzel said left-wing activists are bringing destruction upon themselves and said they sometimes harm the interests of Israel no less than do the country's external enemies.

In response to comments by Avnery calling the 2001 assassination of cabinet minister Rehavam Ze'evi a Palestinian "targeted killing" - a term generally reserved for IDF strikes on terror leaders - Marzel said the IDF needs to target Avnery.

Marzel also said, "Traitors sit in Kadima. They betrayed their own principles, Judaism and Zionism."

On Monday evening, Peace Now called on Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to examine Marzel's statements for suspected illegal incitement.

"Marzel forgot that he receives immunity only if and when he is voted into the Knesset - not before. Marzel is doing everything he can to make headlines and to shock people," Peace Now said.

In addition to attacking his political opponents, Marzel also launched an offensive against Israel's legal system and system of rule.

"Israel is ruled by the junta. In the army, in the courts and in government there joint thinking, joint voting and joint decision making," Marzel said. He said the state prosecution and the High Court of Justice make decisions that cause "Jewish bloodshed." He also said that "if polling stations were placed in the Supreme Court, it is reasonable to assume that a coalition of MK Ahmed Tibi and Meretz would win."

The far-right extremist also expressed anger at attacks by National Union and the National Religious Party that he said increase the chances he won't obtain the minimum number of votes to allow him to enter the Knesset.

Marzel maintained Tuesday that polls conducted on behalf of his party indicate the National Jewish Front would secure five seats in the coming election.

Non-partisan polls predict Marzel's party won't receive any seats.

Comment: While the muslim fanatics make most of the headlines, and rightly so, it cannot be forgotten that the Jewish side of the argument also has its people who are equally crazy. This call for the murder of a leading Israeli Peace activist (and ex-member of parliament)is the sort of thing one expects from Hamas. Jewish leaders have been quick to condemn the fanatic and, by all accounts, this murder-monger will not be elected in next week's Israeli elections.

This is necessary, but not sufficient. Israel will not prosecute this fanatic, no matter what he says and how loudly he howls for murder. If an Arab in Israel had called for the murder of an Israeli figure, the Arab would be convicted without delay, and rightly so. The reason the Jewish murder-monger won't be arrested is because he is Jewish. It's as simple as that. I saw similar things when I lived in Israel.

This is wicked discrimination and actively undermines the Rule of Law. It must stop.

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