Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pope Benedict And The War In Lebanon.

Note: Pope Benedict supports peace in the middle East. This is most proper. His remarks made in a recent interview need to be expanded. In the Christian world there is uniform support for both a Jewish State of Israel and an Arab State of Palestine. This is the crux of the UN Resolution 181 of November 1947.

In the Muslim world there is no such uniform support for the UN Resolution. How is it possible to overcome this dichotomy?

War is undoubtedly bad, but sometimes war is the only way to overcome a situation. Pope Benedict was a teenager at the time of the Second World War, so he has actual experience of Nazism. Was it possible to 'talk' Hitler out of his world view and the actions that followed this world view?

Read on...

Sat Aug 5, 2006.

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (AFP) -Pope Benedict XVI appealed for "moral forces" to mobilize to bring peace to the troubled Middle East during another day of fierce bombardments in Lebanon and Israel.

"There are moral forces which are ready to make it understood that the only solution is that we must live together," Benedict said in an interview with several German radio and television stations ahead of his visit to his native country in September.

"These are the forces we want to mobilize. Politicians must find the way in order that this can happen as rapidly as possible and especially in a sustainable way," said Benedict in the interview at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, excerpts of which were released by the Vatican.

"Naturally the Holy See seeks no political power. But we want to address ourselves to Christians and everyone who feels in some way called on by words of the Holy See, in order that all the forces which recognize that the war is the worst solution for all are mobilized."

"It brings nothing good to anyone, not even for the apparent victors. We know that very well in Europe, following the two World Wars.

Comment: The core question in the Middle East is how can the world bring the muslim countries and people to accept the division of Mandatory Palestine into two states; Israel and Palestine?

This site supports the establishment of a legal State of Palestine (even without wide muslim acceptance of Israel)and considers it to be in Israel's best interest to allow this immediately.

Instead of seeking to get wide agreement on this issue, time should be allowed to heal wounds. This means that the Israelis and Palestinians must stop adding to these wounds; neither side is currently doing this.

Australia, which was the first country in the world, at the UN, to vote for the division of Mandatory Palestine in November 1947, could do a lot of good work on the ground in both Israel and Occupied Palestine (to use Prime Minister Sharon's description)to help these wounds to slowly bind. We should do so, as a moral requirement on our part.

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