Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Some Australian Reactions To Muslims/Islam.

Note: This is an interesting poll. Careful persons must always be able to discern between Muslims, as people, and Islam as an ideology. The problem come from Islam as an ideology, not 'that nice muslim family next door'.

Read on...

Aussies fear Muslim way

The poll of 502 people discovered:
ONE in three people are more fearful of Muslims since 9/11.

SEVENTY-ONE per cent say women in Islam are treated as inferior.

FIFTY-SIX per cent believe Muslims are unfairly discriminated against and two in three people believe Muslims should be allowed to wear religious dress in schools and workplaces.

ONLY a quarter of people say they understand Islam well.

The research summary states: "The results show a complex mix of feelings about Muslims in Australia."

People aged between 18 and 29 are more likely to hold sympathetic views about Muslims, the research found.

Queenslanders and people in the over-56 age group felt most threatened by Islam, while Victorians and people in the 40 to 54 years age group felt they had the best understanding of the religion, according to the poll....

Melbourne Islamic cleric Sheik Fehmi Naji El-Imam expressed anger at the poll results, which showed widespread fear of the religion.

"It is not fair at all," the sheik, who is general secretary of the Board of Imams of Victoria, said.

"They don't know what they are talking about - they should know Muslims first before they pass opinions."

Comment: Australia must get a policy which improves the daily circumstances of ordinary muslims in our country and suppresses the power of the professional islamists of ideological Islam, who are actually currently working to force this ideology onto, first the muslims and then Australia.

The Three Point Policy is this:

1.All muslim community organisations should be required by law to restrict their Executives to locally born and raised muslims.
2. All imams without exception must be sent away from Australia.No replacements should be allowed. They are the source of the problem, with their ideological and violent interpretations of the key Islamic documents. The local mosques can make their own solutions to the lack of imams.
3.No muslim organisation,without exception, can be allowed to receive any money for any purpose from outside Australia. This will cut the power of the Islamic Wahhabi nazis who use Saudi money to control the sunni muslim groups, who are the big majority of muslims in Australia.

This simple and straight forward set of proposals will hand complete control of muslim communities in Australia into the hands of Australian muslims. They can then steadily develop an Australian Islam, based on Australian muslim resources and their actual experience of life in Australia. End of muslim troubles in Australia. QED.

Is anyone awake in Canberra?

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