Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sharia Law...The Muslim Trapdoor To Poverty.

Note: This posting is an article by Andrew Bostom, an author of great credibility on Islam. He points out the danger of sharia law. Readers who think may be puzzled as to why the muslims living in muslim countries are so poverty stricken when their countries have very many excellent economic resources. The answer is sharia law.

Read and learn...

Making the World Safe for Shari’a?
August 18th, 2006

Grand Ayatollah Sistani is said to be the most important friend the Coalition has in Iraq. But he is a troubling friend. Almost universally regarded as the most important figure in Iraq’s domestic politics, his 2003 fatwa urging Iraqis to not resist the invading Coalition forces helped make the initial conquest go smoothly. His confrontation with younger rival Muqtada al-Sadr helps keep the sometimes violent radical in line.

But Ayatollah Sistani is an irridentist Shi’ite cleric who believes in najis—one of the more despicable belief systems in all of Islam which imposes ugly restrictions on “infidels” due to their supposed physical and spiritual “impurity” [I have written about najis here, here, and here]. Or you can go to his own website, and then as my colleague Hugh Fitzgerald notes,

“If you click on “Muslim Laws” on the left, and then, once a list comes up, click on “najis things,” you will get a list—#84—and if you then go a little further, and click on the menu where, among those unclean things, the “kafir” (which is to say, the Unbeliever, that is to say—You and I) you will get a further discussion of how, in the wonderful, “moderate” Islam of the al-Sistani variety, the Unbeliever, the Infidel, the Kafir (guilty of “kufr” or “ingratitude” for failing to receive the Revelation of the Last of the Prophets in the right, accepting, submissive way) is viewed.”

And this is what Sistani writes about gays:

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the supreme religious authority for Shi’ite Msulims in Iraq and worldwide, decrees that gays and lesbians should be killed in the worst manner possible, according to this news article from a London-based gay rights group. A rapid search through Sistani’s official website turns up a page, translated as:

“Q: What is the judgement on sodomy and lesbianism? A: “Forbidden. Those involved in the act should be punished. In fact, sodomites should be killed in the worst manner possible.” Thus opines the Shi’ite cleric who was nominated by Iraqis for the 2005 Nobel Peace prize.

Sistani also “wishes” for Sharia to be imposed in Iraq. He’s a patient fellow, knowing demography is on his side…

Recently I received the following question on Sistani from a highly capable military analyst:

Would it still be true to say, as some sources do, that Sistani supports a quietist form of Shi’a Islam, one that does not seek political power as such? I’m thinking for example of early Puritan sects in American history, which believed things we don’t consider acceptable today, but which, in competition with other beliefs, ended up with a shared culture that ultimately turned out to be very workable for the US.

The analogy with Puritans in America is wrong. Shi’ite sects in major population centers—Iran, Iraq, and Yemen—have never behaved in a manner analogous to the Puritan settlers of the United States (despite 13 centuries of unimpeded opportunities to demonstrate any similar leanings given the complete dominance of Islam in those regions), i.e., been willing to create societies even remotely resembling the pluralistic, traditionally liberal democratic society that the US has become.

Instead, they have all opted for Shari’a societies—stifling theocracies, the very antithesis of American liberal democracy, where hurriyya “freedom as perfect slavery to Allah” prevails, not freedom as described by John Stuart Mill.

And there is a widely prevalent canard about what Iran was in the ~425 years between 1502-1925 (barring a ~ 70-year period of Afghan invasion, internecine warfare, and Sunni rule in the 18th century from approximately1722-1794, until the restoration of Shiite rule under the Qajars in 1795): Persia/Iran was a strict Shi’ite theocracy, whose leading ulema were not the least bit “quietist”, and in fact were very much like Ayatollah Khomeini. (I have written about this rather morose history, especially for the non-Muslims under Shi’ite rule, at considerable length here.)

The great scholar E.G. Brown (who was quite favorably inclined towards Persia I should add) summed up (A Literary History of Persia, vol. IV, Cambridge, 1930, p. 371) the role of the Shi’ite ulema in the period before 1925, as follows:

The Mujtahids and Mulla are a great force in Persia and concern themselves with every department of human activity from the minutest detail of personal purification to the largest issues of politics.

I support removing odious and acutely threatening Muslim thugocrats (whatever their personal religiosity) in the post 9/11/01 era—which is why I supported the lightning and relatively low (albeit still awful) cost (in lives) campaign required to remove Saddam Hussein (having accepted the flawed intelligence on Iraq).

But to invest unlimited blood and treasure which effectively gives electoral sanction to more Shari’a—as the Algerian jihadists of the 1990s put it so forthrightly “Islamic state by the will of the people”—is a tragic and dangerous delusion. And we have failed miserably in this regard in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Specifically, we should have refused as Paul Bremer did refuse initially (despite his other arguable administrative failings), to give our imprimatur to constitutions that are subservient to the Shari’a, rendering them incompatible with universal human rights. This bedrock principle—still unheeded by our policymaking elites—was articulated eloquently by the Muslim Senegalese jurist Adama Dieng, while serving as secretary-general to the International Commission of Jurists in 1992. Referring to the Cairo Declaration, the Shari’a-based “Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Islam (UDHRI)”, Dieng declared that under the rubric of the Shari’a, the UDHRI,

...gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus on which the international human rights instruments are based; introduces, in the name of the defense of human rights, an intolerable discrimination against both non-Muslims and women; reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms..; [and] confirms the legitimacy of practices, such as corporal punishment, that attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.

The Rahman “apostasy” case in Afghanistan should have been a stark wake up call. But even in Iraq there was an early, concrete sign (February 2004) of things going awry: the refusal of the interim Iraqi government to allow its ancient, historically oppressed (often brutally so) Jews to return in the wake of the 2003 liberation. Singling them out was agreed upon absent any objection, except for the dissent of one lone Assyrian Christian representative in the interim government, who knew well what such bigotry foreshadowed: the oppression and resultant exodus of the Assyrian community, which is now transpiring. And last spring came this harrowing story about Shari’a and Sistani-supporting women in the Iraqi Parliament: (Iraq’s women of power who tolerate wife-beating and promote polygamy):

As a devout Shia Muslim and one of eighty-nine women sitting in the new parliament, she knows what her first priority there is: to implement Islamic law. When Dr Ubaedey took her seat at last week’s assembly opening, she found herself among an increasingly powerful group of religious women politicians who are seeking to repeal old laws giving women some of the same rights as men and replace them with Sharia, Islam’s divine law.

We have a moral obligation to oppose Shari’a, which is antithetical to the core beliefs for which hundreds of thousands of brave Americans have died, including, ostensibly, 3000 in Iraq itself. There has never been a Shari’a state in history that has not discriminated (often violently) against the non-Muslims (and Muslim women) under its suzerainty. Moreover such states have invariably taught (starting with Muslim children) the aggressive jihad ideology which leads to predatory jihad “razzias” on neighboring “infidels”—even when certain of those “infidels” happened to consider themselves Muslims, let alone if those infidels were clearly non-Muslims.

That is the ultimate danger and geopolitical absurdity of a policy that ignores or whitewashes basic Islamic doctrine and history, while however inadvertently, making or re-making these societies “safe for Sharia*)”—as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, and now, likely, an Hezbollah-dominated Lebanon.

* My journalistic colleague Diana West coined this very apt phrase, “Making the world safe for Shari’a.”

Andrew Bostom is the author of The Legacy of Jihad.

Comment: The poverty of the muslims in muslim lands (which is the main engine driving muslims away from the muslim lands to the prosperous Western Christian countries)is directly caused by the ludicrous regulations of Sharia Law.

Changing this failed ideology will be impossible because it is deemed by all muslims to be divinely inspired, like the Koran, and thus perfect. Clearly it isn't perfect in any discernable sense to anyone with a Western education.

Australia should guard against this lurking problem by having legislation outlawing any form of Sharia law being applied in Australia by any organisation, public or private. This would be a real blow to the reactionary 'lecturers' allowed into Australia by the Australian government.

Every door to a reactionary and fascist Islamic ghetto should be closed in Australia except the door which brings muslims into the free life of the Australian mainstream. There they can live an Australian Islam, developed by muslims living in Australia. Such an Islam can only be consistent with Australian social and economic norms.

The policy is easy to understand: no victories for foreign unfree Islam; full freedom for Australian muslims.

Is anyone awake in Canberra?


Muslim Unity said...

Do you really belive all of us are here just to kill everybody else?

mike davis said...

certainly not. And I have never suggested anything like that. Please do not 'make up' my ideas.

My principal concern is that muslims in Australia need to be freed from the grip of people who are hostile to proper muslim integration into Australia.

For muslims to live successfully in Australia they will need to develop an Australian Islam. Only they can do this...but they will never do it unless they are freed from the Wahhabi fascist imams who have purchased, with Arabian money, the Sunni community in Australia.

The beginning of an Australian Islam is to be able to discuss Islam in Australia without thinking everyone wants to kill you...discuss this issue like Australians discuss all issues.

There is no way for muslims in Australia to have a proper future unless they do actually free themselves from poisonous foreign influences and replace these with their own adaptation of Islam to blend into Australian life.

Australians are happy to have muslim migrants; but we are not happy to have muslim colonists. There is a big difference between the two.

Usama said...

Mike Davis, I wish you would study shariah law before you make enormous sweeping accusations based on superficial observations.
You have several things going on: (1)blaming the plight of the entire Muslim world on shariah (which isn't properly established anywhere),(2) claim a segment of Muslims who carry what you consider Islamic fascism must be destroyed,(3) and that Muslims in Australia cannot thrive unless they adopt some variant "Australian" Islam, which I assume is an attempt to integrate Muslims.

You can't approach a people by first attacking that which is most sacred to them, then threaten the destruction of any who adopt ideas which you abhore, then ask them to be like you. You can't do this to a 13 year child, let alone millions of well educated, literate, politically aware, Muslim adults who consider under Bush's leadership, the Western allies are attacking and subjugating them.
Mike, it might make you feel good, but you've already lost without going indepth into your positions.

What you miss in blind fury is Muslims found refuge, sanctuary, and lived in peace in the Christian kingdom of Abbysinia when wars were waged against Muslims elsewhere. That is what you need to look to.
BTW, RIP Steve Irwin.

mike davis said...

usama...sharia law is in use in every muslim country. it may not be 100% in use but it is very substantially in use.

The plight of the muslim world is the fault of the muslims. Every adult must take the blame for his own situation.

why cannot muslims ever take their own fate in their hands and say to each other 'we are to blame for our situation..we have not reformed our situations sufficiently to make ourselves safer from problems that affect us'.

i am not asking any muslims to like me. you came here..i didn't migrate and live in a muslim country. the effort needed around here is from the muslims. every other migrant group has fitted in well...why are some muslims still living in the past with their ignorant imams?

The imams are your big problem, Usama.

I'm not interested in the Bush foreign policy. I am interested in muslims failing in Australia.

of course muslims have to integrate in Australia. What is the other option? some backward muslim enclave run by imams in some part of Sydney or Melbourne? if muslims don't want to integrate why live here?

mate, let me tell you...islam is despised in australia because we can see what it has done to the arabs. we don't want this sort of backwardness here. why would we?

please don't go on about 'studying islam' and all that usual stuff. the whole world can look at the arabs and see what islam actually is by looking at it after 1400 years in Arabia...a backward sociology for mental slaves who can't function in a modern free world.

that is the long and the short of it.