Sunday, September 17, 2006

Internet Reactions To Muslim Violence.

Note: This posting is a selection of 11 comments from around the world to various internet sites concerning the violent muslim reaction to Pope Benedict's suggestion that violence has no legitimite place in religion.

If readers are persistent they will be able to look beyond the crazed violence of the muslims to see the declaration the 'Islam is a religion of Peace'.

The evidence of your eyes will tell you that Islam is not a religion of peace.

Read on...

1.Reaction Proving Pope's Point

The Pope's message was that religion must be divorced from violence. While Jeudaism and Christianity had a long history in Violence they have long ago been divorced and are today a driving force only of Peace. However Islam has not yet decided on this Path. When someone reacts to comments that they should not be violent with violence they are proving the point. Muslims are now burning churches and threatning the entire world with violence because the Pope explained tha Islam is violent and must stop being violent this is proving the Pope's point. It is said that a silent majorit of Muslims are not for violence and are moderate and only want peace however if this is true than they are a real silent silent majority. Islam the choice is yours it seems the Pope just held up the mirror to you and you must choose what you see. Salam.

2.Palestinians that forced the 2 reporters to convert to Islam

It is hypocritical of Palestinians to act offended when it was Palestinians that forced the 2 kidnapped Fox reporters to convert to Islam.

That they [Radical Palestinian terrorists] are guilty of exactly what the Pope described?

Joel Schaffer , Belleair Bluffs, FL

3.Shaka (09.16.06)Title: Pope got it right

Name: Stingray

City: Rome State:

If other people were as brave as to clearly define Islam, expecially radical Islam that is cropping up everywhere, maybe Islam could be checked from starting attacks on the civilized countries of the world.

Political correctness is to rampant today. Clearly label radical Islam as an evil that all must resist and defeat.

4.Title: hamas preachers can say all things about christians, jews

Name: mike

City: State:

but no one can say anything about islam. even if it is true.

hypocritically pathetic.


Name: Mitch Iginer

City: Toronto State: Canada

It`s the cartoon scandal all over again.
If anyone accuses Islam of being a violent religion the Muslims rise up and GET VIOLENT.
It would almost be funny if it wasn`t SO backwards and scary.

6.Title: Imams/mullahs never condemned the terrorism done thru islam

Name: Murugan

City: Chennai State: Tamilnadu - India

These mullahs and immams has to behave in the same manner when terrorists are bombing and killing the peoples in the name of ALLAH.

They never condemn the Jihadis or islamic Terrorists attacks around the world. All the terrorists holds Koran in one hand and gun on other hand. They justify their terror acts thru the koran and mohammed's life and teachings. It is time for the world to wake up. September 11th was the wakepup call. See some of the verses preaching violence in koran. Imams and mullahs will never condemn the terrorism and violence committed in the name of islam, because the koran and mohammed's preaching supports it.

Koran 8:12
Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them."

Here Mohammed is giving step by step instruction on how to torture and kill Kafirs

7.Title: Terrorism is the Death Rattle of Islam

Name: rick

City: NY State: NY

A cult based on violence and intolerance can last for some time but eventually it will wither and die. What we see now in the name of the bin Laden types and the mullah minions who call for jihad and death to someone or other is a last gasp of a dying philosophy. Islam has degenerated into a cult of death and hate. No real religion can continue with such a foundation.

The failure of the Arab and Muslim world to cast off medieval chains, break the misogynic culture that enslaves half of their population, continue to brand others as infidels and targetable for death, etc. reinforced with the economic and political failure of their societies has spelled doom for Islam. Without a Reformation, Islam will not exist in 100 years. The very religion that it battled for centuries -Christianity - will replace it because Christianity has evolved and reformed. Islam today stands with the past. The female Muslim populations will be the first to embrace it.

8.Title: Mohammad Resume

Name: Peter

City: State: US

When reading the Life of Mohammad by Karen Armstrong recently I learn that Mohammad himself ordered the killing of 700 civilian Jews in the City of Medina when his men where uncertain what to do. That picture the man. This is the only mass grave that I know of before Hitler. Also I learnt that his income and of his Muslim movement was financed by assaulting caravan and taken over the riches of the city of Mecca. Also that the voice of God he received are related to events of his political contemporary life, so general that can be interpreted as you like. It is all these right?? This must be proved one way or another otherwise this problem will remain for ever. Title: FACTS ABOUT MUHAMMED ??

9.Name: Bill.

City: State: NZ

Born in Mecca 570 ad . Was an epileptic in his youth . He Married 15 wives , one a year after his first wife Khadija ( a rich widow twice married before ) died . 2nd wife Sauda , a widow two months after khadija`s death . 3rd wife Ayisha when she was 7 years of age . 4th wife Hafsa . 5th wife Zainab his adopted sons wife ( to acheive this he proclaimed that allah gave her to him . To save his reputation due to great scandal he wrote Surat 33:50 . 6th wife Juwariyah wife of one of the chiefs whom he attacked , murdered and plundered . 7th Raihana ( Jewess ) ( After slaughtering the Quraiza Jews - she declined islam became his bond slave because she could not escape with her life .)
8th wife Maryam( an egyptian christian slave girl ) 9th wife Safiya A Khaiba Jewess ( the wife of Kinana the Khaiba Chief whom he slaughtered - she was 15 and very beautiful )10th Um Habecba a widow
11th Maimuna of mecca . On 8th. June 632 ad. he died, violently afflicted and tormented by a fever lasting 2weeks

afTitle: Islam needs to apologize

10.Name: d.dor

City: J-town State: Israel

and return all lands and make restitution to all the Jews and Christians it forced into Muslim ranks on pain of death during it`s first century. The Christian Crusades were weak attempts to liberate OUR lands that had been taken from US (Christian and Jews) by Islamic terror and violence. Make no mistake, the tenets of Islam have not changed. Why do you think the news media always calls it a `stampede` when Muslims riot and kill each other? Mindless, senseless, unreasonable, unthinking, emotionally charged masses pulled and pushed by silver tongued devils. The war has begun, make no mistake. The clash of cultures is upon us once again. This time it`s a world conflagration the likes of which Nostradamus could not even imagine.

11.Title: The Pope Has Been Proven 100% Correct

Name: Nannette

City: London State: UK

The Pope says that jihad violence is against God`s nature, and officials feared that in response, Muslims enraged by this insult will commit...jihad violence - which they have done today by burning Churches.

Comment: The fundamental problem faced by muslims in dealing, intellectually, with the West is their inability to discuss their religious views calmly and rationally. They react to questions with outbursts of anger and threats of violence, especially if the question concerns the centrality of anger and violence in Islam.

The fantasy that 'Islam is a religion of Peace' is not believed by most Westerners who see the real Islam on the TV screens regularly. Only the terminally deluded in the West(or haters of Christianity)proclaim their belief in this fantasy.

The only solution for Westerners in the face of this storm of islamic madness is to passively resist as was done in relation to resisting the Communist menace in the 20th century.

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