Saturday, September 02, 2006

Islamic Lunacy Over Women's Hair.

Note: This is not about 'modesty' or 'Allah's Will'; it is about men's control over women. this is not religion, it is sociology and politics.

Read on and learn...

Tehran enforces Islamic dress code
Sharia crackdown in Iran. From the Telegraph, via the Washington Times, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

LONDON -- Police in Iran's capital, Tehran, have stopped almost 64,000 women and warned them against breaching strict Muslim dress codes in the last month alone.
The authorities have chosen the height of summer for a new crackdown to ensure that women cover their heads with veils and their bodies with long, heavy overcoats whenever they are in public.

For years, Iran's police turned a blind eye when young women pushed the boundaries of the rules by wearing the flimsiest of veils or displaying painted toenails in open sandals.

But President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's deeply conservative regime is steadily reversing this trend.

Police in Tehran have been given orders to caution any woman they deem to be "badly veiled." Thousands are being stopped every day.

Swiss charge Pakistani over 'honor killing' of wife
Eurabia Alert from AFP:

ZURICH -- Swiss prosecutors have charged a Pakistani man over the "honor killing" of his wife, according to legal documents published Wednesday [August 23].
Ajmal Butt Aziz, 24, is accused of murdering his 20-year-old wife Khudeja because she refused to follow Islamic tradition and wear a headscarf, according to the charge sheet published by the Corriere del Ticino newspaper.
Aziz's spouse died in July 2005 after he allegedly bludgeoned her to death with a hammer as she slept at the couple's home in Bellinzona, in Switzerland's southern canton of Ticino.
Born in Pakistan, Khudeja Aziz was brought up in Switzerland and was a citizen of the Alpine country.
Aziz claimed that he acted in self-defense after being attacked by his wife.
Prosecutors, however, alleged that he acted because he was opposed to his wife's Western lifestyle and her wish to find a job, and also that she was seeking a divorce.
No date has yet been set for Aziz's trial.

Comment: In Australia we should take action in our schools to stop this hair covering fetish from growing. It is a point used by Islamic reactioanaries to keep girls from integrating into the mainstream of Australia.

Integration is public policy in this country. It should be enforced.

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