Monday, April 03, 2006

Tick! Tick! Tick! in Indonesia.

Note: Australians should face up to the fact that Indonesia is going to explode (soon enough) and muslims fundamentalists will take over this ramshackle fly blown empire currently run by thieves and murderers. This will lead to a giant crisis with Australia.

At the very least, a fundamentalist Indonesia will generate hundreds of thousands of refugees, (mainly christians, but also sensible muslims), who will crash onto Australia's shores. Baxter?

Indonesia: Five years in prison for a kiss?

Sharia Alert from Indonesia. "Bali battles the Muslims who want an Indonesian cover-up,"

SUNBATHING tourists in Bali and barely clad tribesmen in Papua are caught up in a cultural war between a minority of puritanical Indonesian Muslims and the country’s tolerant majority. The battle appears to be frivolous, involving, as it does, learned arguments over whether a navel is indecent, or a penis gourd, which guards the modesty of the Papuan male, constitutes nudity. However, it is serious for dozens of people who have fallen victim to zealous prosecutors, police harassment and mob violence in a battle for the destiny of the world’s most populous Islamic nation.
The contest for the hearts and minds of more than 200m Indonesians is being closely watched by western nations, one reason for Tony Blair’s 24-hour stop here last week.

Blair saluted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, a reformer with a reputation for honesty; held brief talks with moderate Muslim leaders; and fielded questions on Iraq, Palestine and George W Bush from an articulate group of boys and girls at one of Jakarta’s religious boarding schools.

But many Indonesians fear their president is losing his grip on a political debate increasingly dominated by fundamentalists, who have made a parliamentary bill on indecency the centrepiece of their campaign to purify the nation.

“This is an attempt by some people to import Arab culture to Indonesia,” said Yenny Wahid, a Muslim campaigner for women’s rights.

The draft bill would extend a ban on indecency to prohibit kissing in public, which would be punishable by five years in prison. Public nudity or the “indecent” exposure of the stomach, thigh or hip — some religious jurists argue that shoulders could also be deemed inflammatory — could be punished by a 10-year sentence and a £30,000 fine.

Comment: The fantasy, so beloved of many delusional official Australians, that Indonesia is a lovely and tolerant place full of lovely and tolerant muslims, will die hard.

Australians should pay attention to the growth of Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia because the explosion which brings Jemaah Islamiyya (or its public face) to power will be costly in lives. The losers will flee to Australia, in enormous numbers. JI will push them out (go! or we will kill you!)as a way of punishing Australia.

Of course it would be impossible to get any Australian elected person to tell this truth to the Australian people, and most of the media will run a mile to avoid this story. Neither sad fact will delay this crisis by one minute; what will happen is that it will occur 'out of the blue' for most Australians. The Australian government of the day will also be flummoxed, because nothing is being done to prepare the Australian people or society for this coming event.

This is one of the down sides to living in 'Fantasy Land: The Happiest Kingdom of Them All' (aka Australia).

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